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Monday, September 12, 2005

Atlas Snowshoes Releases 2005-2006 'QuickGuide of Facts'

Atlas Snowshoes has released their annual 'QuickGuide of Facts' on the current state of the snow shoe industry. Excerpted highlights are included below:

Number of United States Snowshoeing Participants: 5.9 million

Growth of Snowshoeing: Almost 93% since 1998

Snowshoer Demographics: Snowshoeing appeals to every age. 59% are between the ages of 16 and 34; 44% are women.

Average Snowshoe Cost: $150 Retail

Most Popular Places to Snowshoe: Alpine and Nordic resorts, national parks/forests, local hiking trail systems, golf courses

Popular Trail Access Resources: featuring;

Most Common Uses for Snowshoeing: Fitness, Cross-training, Recreation, Hiking, Running, Racing, Backcountry Trekking, Mountaineering

Caloric Burning Rate: 420-1,000 calories per hour, 45% more than walking or running at the
same speed

Average Weight of a Snowshoe: 1.8 pounds per average 25” snowshoe

Atlas Snowshoes Releases 2005-2006 'QuickGuide of Facts'

posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 3:46 PM

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