Leading Outdoor Gear Industry Publisher Issues Tips for Beginner Snowshoeing
Leading outdoor industry publisher Backpacking Light, recently issued several tips for individuals just beginning in the sport of snowshoeing. These tips include renting your snow shoes the first few times. This will familiarize you with snowshoeing and will allow you to use several different brands to see which you prefer. Use hiking poles for added stability. Go on daytrips with a group. Snowshoe on well-packed trails over gently rolling terrain. Don't get too far away from your starting point. And finally, familiarize yourself with safety aspects of winter recreation, such as minimizing avalanche danger and avoiding or if necessary treating hypothermia or frostbite.
Leading Outdoor Gear Industry Publisher Issues Tips for Beginner Snowshoeing
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 3:42 PM

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