Outdoor Gear Industry Publisher Issues Advice for Proper Snowshoe Clothing and Apparel
A leading outdoor gear industry publication has recently issued advice for choosing the proper clothing to wear when snowshoeing. Of central importance is selecting suitable footwear. Snowshoe runners and racers wear lightweight sports shoes for racing and training, but if users are adventuring into the backcountry, they will want to use sturdy, waterproof boots with snowshoes. Mountaineers and snowboarders can wear their specialized snowboard boots or climbing boots with their snowshoes, as long as the bindings fit. Many styles of hiking boots also work well.
Snowshoe gaiters are useful for keeping the lower legs dry and comfortable. They are especially practical if a user's bindings are the fixed type, which otherwise throw snow onto the backs of the legs and into boots.
Snowshoeing racers don't use poles, however many backcountry snowshoers use at least one and more often two snowshoe poles. Poles can push interfering branches out of the path and can also improve balance on unlevel terrain. Either collapsible trekking poles with snow baskets or one-piece ski poles work well. Some snowshoers prefer poles that come up to the elbow, while others prefer poles that come up about to the armpit the way they would for cross-country skiing.
Outdoor Gear Industry Publisher Issues Advice for Proper Snowshoe Clothing and Apparel
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 3:49 PM

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