Northern Ontario Snow Shoe Trail to Remain Open Another Year
Spokesmen for the Voyageur Trail Association, overseers of the Voyaguer Snowshoe Trail, which recently faced impending closure due to high insurance premiums, has announced that it will remain open another year due to the outstanding efforts of volunteers. Specifically, the association stated that members of Hike Ontario lended tremendous support. Insurance for the Northern Ontario Canada snow shoe trail ran out on May 1st, 2005, however an alternative affordable insurance plan was reported to have been found, allowing operations to continue through next year.
Additionally, spokesmen reported that a Communities In Action grant will allow for the purchase of children’s snowshoes. The Voyageur Trail Association and Hike Ontario are encouraging the public to contact their local MPP and request that provincial legislation be enacted to protect volunteer trail workers and property owners, preventing this situation from occurring each year as insurance premiums are due. The VTA stated, "We are fortunate to have a multitude of wonderful snowshoe trails in Ontario, many of which were built by dedicated volunteers. Let’s keep them alive!"
Northern Ontario Snow Shoe Trail to Remain Open Another Year
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 12:40 PM

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