Reminders for Snowshoeing Beginners Issued
Industry experts recently posted new reminders for beginners and those considering purchasing snowshoes for the first time. The cautionary list includes bothing fitment and physiological advice.
- A proper snow shoe fit is essential. Prior to purchasing a pair, borrow or rent snowshoes that can be thoroughly tested before buying to own.
- Snowshoeing has been rated by exercise physiologists as a difficult activity that requires a 175-pound individual to burn 675 calories per hour during each session.
- It is very important to remain hydrated by drinking lots of fluids including water and keeping body energy levels elevated by eating high-energy foods, enabling beginner snowshoers to acclimatize their bodies to the increased demands of the sport.
Reminders for Snowshoeing Beginners Issued
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 7:06 AM

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