Tuques Bleues Celebration & Snowshoe Event Held on Montreal's Mount Royal Snowshoe Trails
Event organisers of the 2005 Tuques Bleues celebration and snowshoe event, one of the more unusual winter events held, reported over 850 snowshoers turned out. Held on Mount Royal in Montreal, revelers wear blue tuques and officially celebrate the beginning of the Montreal High Lights Festival. The blue tuque tradition has a history as far back as 1840.
The event took place in three parts. First was the 2.5 km snowshoe race on Mount Royal's hiking paths, lit by torches only. More than 40 corporate teams competed to win gold, silver and bronze in men's and women's categories. The race started at the Smith House and ended at the Mount Royal Chalet. Olympic cross-country skier, Chris Blanchard, was official starter of the event. Next, 650 participants snowshoe walked in the evening on the Mount Royal trails. Lyne Bessette, world champion, Olympic cyclist, Jean- Luc Brassard, double world champion, Olympic gold medal winner in freestyle skiing and Nathalie Lambert, three-time world champion, Olympic gold medal winner all particated as well. And finally, the Celebration and Snowshoe Event concluded at the Montreal Mount Royal Chalet with a BBQ and awards ceremony.
Tuques Bleues Celebration & Snowshoe Event Held on Montreal's Mount Royal Snowshoe Trails
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 8:19 AM

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