Tubbs' Romp To Stomp Out Breast Cancer Event At Stratton Mountain Resort Raises Over $17,000
Stratton Mountain Resort has released a report on the Tubbs Snowshoes Romp To Stomp Out Breast Cancer Event to support the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation that took place at the ski area earlier this winter. A spokesman stated that over 200 attended the 2005 event, helping to raise over $17,000 for local affiliates of the Susan G. Koman foundation. Along with Tubbs Snowshoes, sponsors included Columbia Sportswear, EMS and Green Mountain Coffee.
Kathy Murphy, general manager of Tubbs Snowshoes, said “We’re thrilled with the turnout, especially when you consider that the high temperature for the day was -3 degrees. I'm proud of the contribution that the snowshoeing community is making to help find a cure for this disease that is so near and dear to all of us."
Event coordinator for Tubbs Snowshoes, Paul Adams, added "Snowshoeing's health and fitness message is a perfect match for this sort of fundraiser. It's always fun to see the familiar faces that participate as well as the newcomers who are learning about the health, social, and spiritual benefits of snowshoeing for the first time."
Tubbs Snow Shoes also has a program that contributes a percentage of sales from its women’s products to the foundation. Winners of the Fun Run snowshoe race, which is included at all 'Romp to Stomp' events, was Tubbs sponsored athlete Stephen Judice with a time of 8:27, and is from Keene, NH and Sara Dorsey, clocking a time of 12:45, and is from Manchester, VT.
Tubbs' Romp To Stomp Out Breast Cancer Event At Stratton Mountain Resort Raises Over $17,000
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 11:49 AM

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