MSR Snowshoes Offered at Num-Ti-Jah Lodge
During the 2004-2005 winter tourist season MSR Snowshoes were available to guests at the Num-Ti-Jah Lodge, located at just over 6,500 feet above Bow Lake in the Lake Louise and Banff National Park district of Canada. A Num-Ti-Jah spokesman expects the equipment to be available to guests again in 2006. The MSR Snowshoes are offered to access the remote and untravelled stretches of snow covered forests, ridges and peaks. Besides snowshoers, the Num-Ti-Jah lodge also receives a mixture of guests that are cross country ski tourers, telemarkers, mountaineers and downhill skiers who ski the trails at the Lake Louise Ski Resort.
MSR Snowshoes Offered at Num-Ti-Jah Lodge
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 11:23 AM

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