Atlas Snowshoes, Beaver Creek Resort & A Snowshoe Racing Advocate Team Up In Colorado After School Program
Along with partners Atlas Snowshoes and Beaver Creek Resort, Colorado snowshoe racing competitor, Rich Schmelzer recently provided 50 pairs of Atlas snow shoes to the Meadow Mountain Elementary School for an outdoors educational experience. Mr. Schmelzer coordinated the program as a healthy alternative to many unhealthy activities, such as video games, that kids today are interested in. "I read that kids today have a shorter life expectancy than their parents," explained Mr. Schmelzer. "That's the first time in 100 years that's happened. That's what got me going on this."
School principal Kim Walter indicated that she was enthusiastic about the after school program. "We're trying to run as many healthful programs as we can after school," Principal Walter stated. The students expressed much interest in the program as well. "It's fun going through the mountains," fifth grader Gonzalo Vizcaino said. "I want to do this some more."